We knew Wacey would love them, but we weren't to sure (mostly me)
But by the time we got home from Pocatello we decided they would be the
perfect surprise! The next morning Travis went back up and brought home
TWO! (he said they need to be together) and wouldn't you know, after
researching them on google, we are positive it's a male and female, yikes!
And yes they breed very well in captivity, usually litters of 10-20 live births...
*Mental head slap*
What were we thinking!!! They are Black Emperor Scorpions. about 7-8 inches long. and in the
dark with a black light, they GLOW. They are very docile, and quite interesting, I even
help mist them and feed them live worms and crickets, YUCK!
But our little budding scientist is so HAPPY!
Next he wants a snake....a King Cobra.....not in my house!!!! LOL
So here are the pictures!
Sting and Helga
They are a dark, shiny black, but the flash reflects their "glow"