Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Belle

I've been wanting to make a memorial video for my sweet little Angel.
So to celebrate her 5th Birthday I finally did it.

This day will be a celebration
Of the short time you were here.
You will always be remembered
With great love and sometimes tears.

But only to feel pain and sorrow
Would not be fair to you.
Your life meant more to me,
More than I ever knew.

You were here so briefly,
I wonder if you know
All the ways you've touched my life,
Since God called you home.

Now, my child, you're with
our Heavenly Father above.
I see not only what I've lost
But my capacity of love.

There will always be a big void
My soul will grieve forever.
Will I forget or stop loving you?
No, not now.... not ever.

As this sad day is upon me
Oh how my heart still hurts!
But even as I mourn your death
I celebrate your birth.
~Author Unknown

Happy Birthday Belle, Mommy loves you.


Kami said...

Happy Birthday Belle!

I love the video and poem. What a sweet little Angel!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing... It was beautiful.

Beth said...

Wow Melinda that was so beautiful, you forgot to mention I would need a box of tissues, you did such a good job with all those pics, you are one amazing mom!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, how wonderful, she was a beautiful sweet angel. You will have to look at my blog, I posted a poem a few days back that was called Two will have to read it, thanks for sharing...
Liz, Kristie's friend who has an angel named Belle also.

Maxine #6215 said...

I just was going thru your blog. I found this. I'm so sorry for your loss, but you did a great job in wishing her happy birthday.
